  • Baku, Azerbaijan
  • April 23-25, 2024

2nd International Conference on Information Technologies and Their Applications (ITTA 2024)





ITTA 2024 Photos





Registration of participants: 10.02.2024
Submission of abstracts: 15.02.2024
Submission of full papers: 20.02.2024
Acceptance notification: 10.03.2024
To pay the participation fee: 05.04.2024


Submission of Abstracts

A abstract should be submitted by speaker through the EasyChair conference management system:


Submission of Papers

Papers submitted to the organizing committee should not be considered by another conference and published earlier or accepted for publication in another publication. Submitted papers should contain only unique text and results. Papers will be checked for plagiarism and autoplagiarism using known international databases of published works.

The authors are asked to submit their papers using the EasyChair conference management system:

Authors should submit for review a paper in DOCM format in English with a volume of 12-15 pages, formatted in the Springer style and containing the following sections:
• abstract (150-250 words)
• keywords (5-10 words and phrases)
• introduction
• problem statement
• the main part
• conclusion
• acknowledgements (if necessary)
• references

Accepted papers must be personally presented at the conference by the authors in the form of an oral or poster presentation. The decision on the presentation format (oral or poster) will be based on the recommendation of three independent reviewers. Only those papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be presented by speakers at the conference sections and their results will be approved by the conference participants. Foreign participants can participate in the conference online. Offline (in-person) participation of Azerbaijani citizens is mandatory.

It is planned to publish the proceedings with Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series (final approval pending). There are also plans to publish a collection of selected papers submitted to and presented at the conference. The selection of papers for these collections will be made by the members of the conference Program Committee on the basis of the reviews of three independent reviewers, using the EasyChair software system.

Springer Word Template: splnproc1703.docm
Instructions for Using the Template:



1. Foreign speakers, in-person participation – €150
2. Foreign PhD students and Master's students, in-person participation – €100
3. Foreign participants (non-speakers), in-person participation – €75
4. Local scientists (per paper) – AZN 50
5. Local PhD students and Master's students (per paper) – AZN 25
6. Online participation in the conference for foreign participants is free of charge

Hotel accommodation is covered by the participants. Organization fees include coffee breaks, lunch and conference materials (for foreign participants also transportation from the hotel to the conference venue, guided tours and 2 dinners).

The authors have to make the participation fee by April 5, 2024.
When making the payment for the conference participation fee, the bank receipt should indicate that the payment is for ITTA 2024. The receipt of registration of your payment by the Organizing Committee should be sent to the official e-mail address of the conference [email protected]

Foreign participants can participate in the conference online.
Offline (in-person) participation of speakers from Azerbaijan is mandatory.
Only those papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be presented by speakers at the conference sections and their results will be approved by the conference participants.


Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Room 1311 of Building 1

General Contacts

+994502120404 (Phone/WhatsApp)
[email protected]

Personal Contacts

Chief of the Organizing Committee Dr. Reshad Ismibayli: [email protected]
Publication chair Prof. Kamil Aida-zade: [email protected]
Treasurer of the Conference Dr. Aygun Aliyeva: [email protected]